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Tech Interview Handbook

Tech Interview Handbook

Free curated interview preparation materials for busy people
Brought to you by the author of Blind 75

Or check out our Front End Interview Handbook

What is this

Fastest way to prepare effectively for your software engineering interviews, used by over 1,000,000 engineers

LeetCode for Front End Interviews

Spend less time but prepare better for your Front End Interviews with Great Front End's large pool of high quality practice questions and solutions.

Over 1,000,000 people have benefitted from this handbook!

Insha @Insharamin · Jul 8, 2021
1️⃣ Tech Interview Handbook

This repository has practical content that covers all phases of a technical interview, from applying for a job to passing the interviews to offer negotiation. 📎
Ravin @ravinwashere · Nov 17, 2020
Preparing for a job interview?

The tech interview handbook contains carefully curated to help you ace your next technical interview.

And it's free. @rwenderlich · Aug 27, 2019
Nice open source tech interview handbook
Umar Hansa
Umar Hansa @umaar · Sep 28, 2017
Tech Interview Handbook 💻 - Content to help you ace your next technical interview. Lots of front-end content here ✅
Microsoft Imagine Cup
Microsoft Imagine Cup @MSFTImagine · Mar 13, 2022
Ready to rock your #Coding interviews? Follow along as @yangshunz shares tips on how to land your dream job from personal experience.
Palash @palashv2 · Oct 26, 2021
5. Tech Interview Handbook

Here's free and curated technical interview preparation materials for busy engineers. Besides the usual algorithm questions, other awesome stuff includes How to prepare for coding interviews, Interview Cheatsheet, and more.
Justyna_Adamczyk @Justyna_Adam · Oct 21, 2019
Another excellent tech interview handbook! If you need to prepare yourself for a tech interview or you're an interviewer and need additional inspiration. Happy Monday! #techinterviews @freeCodeCamp · Feb 18, 2022
Back in 2017, @yangshunz was interviewing for developer jobs.

He put in a lot of work, aced his interviews, & got offers from Google, Airbnb, Dropbox, and more.

And he just updated this in-depth guide to help you also rock your next coding interview.
Vinay Sharma
Vinay Sharma @Vinaystwt · Sep 12, 2021
🔹Tech Interview Handbook: Another useful resource that covers information about technical interviews. It covers the job applications, the interview process and the post-interview
SitePoint @sitepointdotcom · Aug 21, 2019
The Tech Interview Handbook provides carefully curated content to help you ace your next technical interview.

How to use

Not sure where to start in your interview preparation?
We've got you covered.


Prepare a FAANG-ready resume

  • Create an ATS-proof resume
  • Software engineering specific resume content
  • Optimizing and testing your resume

Ace the interviews

  • Step-by-step coding interview preparation
  • Algorithms deep dive
  • System design interview preparation
  • Behavioral interview preparation

Negotiate the best offer

  • Negotiation strategies for software engineers
  • Guide on how compensation works for software engineers

Prepare for the job

  • How to choose between companies
  • Guide to engineering levels

Craft the perfect resume for FAANG with FAANG Tech Leads' high quality Software Engineer resume templates and samples.

Why this guide

We have everything you need - all straight to the point

💯 Go From zero to hero

Go from zero to tech interview hero with this handbook. No prior interview experience needed.

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📝 Curated practice questions

No one has time to practice a few hundred questions. We created the Blind 75 List to tell you which the best questions are.

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📋 Interview best practices

Straight-to-the-point Do's and Don'ts during an interview. The battle is already half won.

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💁‍♀️ Practical algorithm tips

Practical tips for every algorithm topic - common techniques and corner cases to look out for.

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💬 Behavioral questions

Check out what behavioral questions companies commonly ask and you can prepare your answers ahead of time.

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🧪 Tested and proven

Countless engineers have gotten their dream jobs with the help of Tech Interview Handbook.

Developed by Google engineers, AlgoMonster is the fastest way to get a software engineering job. Join today for a 70% discount!

Success stories

Countless engineers have gotten a job at FAANG with this free handbook

"Preparing for my first rounds of tech interviews was really daunting - I wasn't sure what to expect and where to start. This handbook together with the Front End Interview Handbook was a great starting point for me. It clearly describes each part of the process and has tons of awesome tips and resources. With this handbook and lots of practice, I managed to get offers from Facebook, Dropbox and Amazon!"

Erin Teo
Erin Teo
Front End Engineer, Facebook

"Tech Interview Handbook was the best resource I used during my coding interview prep. Its structure and hand-picked questions and detailed explanations really set it apart from other resources out there. I helped me go into my interviews with confidence. I ended up landing offers at Meta, Amazon, Twitch, Microsoft, Coinbase, Splunk, etc. I highly recommend Tech Interview Handbook to anyone looking to secure an offer from big tech companies.

I've learnt a few things and blogged about them on, check them out if you're interested!"

Zhenghao He
Zhenghao He
Senior Software Engineer, Instacart

"I started my interview preparation sometime during September of 2021. I was introduced to the famous Blind 75 list while browsing through LeetCode forums. The author of Blind 75, Yangshun Tay, had mentioned The Tech Interview Handbook in one of the comments. I immediately checked out the website and was extremely impressed.

The most use- section for me was the Coding and Algorithms along with Company interview formats where I learnt the process beforehand. The questions covered in the list along with the resources helped me get a broad understanding of concepts like BFS, DFS and array operations which I struggled with earlier. This helped me get into Mathworks, Microsoft and Meta for my internships.

Moving forward, I will continue to use this resource along with Grind 75 (A list of coding questions created by the same author) for my full time job hunt! I'm also excited to try out the System Design material as well!"

Rahul Senguttuvan
Rahul Senguttuvan
Software Engineer Intern, Meta

"I remember not knowing what to expect when preparing for my first ever tech interview. Tech Interview Handbook was a lifesaver. It covers all the most important steps in applying for a tech role -- from resume preparation to offer negotiation.

My favourite part is the Grind 75 Tool, which provides customisable coding interview study plans. This not only helped to sharpen my problem-solving skills, but also assured me that I covered sufficient breadth and depth.

Even now, after interviewing for a couple of years, I still go back to the Tech Interview Handbook for a quick refresher before an interview, and it continues to help me land great offers. This is an incredible resource, created by someone who really wishes the best for you, and I highly recommend it!"

Jeanne Toh
Jeanne Toh
Software Engineer Intern, Meta, Google

"Most of us are familiar with having the prospect of having to grind tons of LeetCode problems before the interview, but I really wanted a sense of direction, an outline of sorts to prepare efficiently; I wanted to pick questions that covered all the important concepts one can be tested on. The Tech Interview Handbook provides just that; the Algorithms section was an absolutely invaluable resource and a great overall reference to brush up my fundamentals with the helpful hints and tips provided, and also solve some of the most popular questions categorized by type. I certainly have this handbook to thank for helping me land my dream job at Google!"

Siddhesh Karekar
Siddhesh Karekar
Software Engineer, Google

"The Tech Interview Handbook played a crucial role in the success of my previous job search. The contents are carefully curated and well organized. It served as an excellent roadmap for my interview prep.

In addition to the thorough Data Structures and Algorithms section, the handbook also provides a lot of resources on other aspects of the application process that helped me see the tech interviews in a more holistic way. My favorite non-technical part was "Questions To Ask"! I used quite a few insightful questions from there to challenge and impress my interviewers. The results were great!

With the help of Tech Interview Handbook, I was able to land offers from Google, Amazon, Uber and several other great companies. Really appreciate the contributors for putting out such quality content for the community. I'd wholeheartedly recommend this handbook to anyone!"

Kevin Huang
Kevin Huang
Software Engineer, Uber

"I have not been preparing much for my interviews before my final year in university. As I set my sights on my full time job, I referred heavily to this handbook about things to prepare and look out for during my applicaion. It has helped me so much in many stages of my application. My personal favorite is the best algorithm practice questions, which is helpful in the future if I want to switch jobs.

With the help of this handbook, I successfully land offers from Facebook, Quora, Abnormal Security and a few more established companies. Highly recommend any tech job applicants to refer to this handbook."

Zongran Mo
Zongran Mo
Software Engineer, Abnormal Security

Would you like to contribute a success story? Open a Pull Request here!

Tired of grinding mindlessly? Grokking the Coding Interview is the recommended way to quickly learn coding question patterns to help you ace the coding interviews.

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